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Edward Snowden: Petraeus ‘shared information that was far more highly classified than I ever did’

Snowden still wants a presidential pardon.

On by Chris Tognotti

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More Hillary Clinton emails discovered as she dismisses email ‘conspiracy theory’

Recent polls have shown that voters are wary of Clinton’s handling of the issue.

On by Kate Conger

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Former attorney general says the government might offer Edward Snowden a deal

Snowden’s exile could end in a plea bargain.

On by Curt Hopkins

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7 whistleblowers facing more jail time than Gen. Petraeus

The Obama administration is failing to live up to its own standards.

On by Gillian Branstetter

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Gen. David Petraeus could face felony charges

FBI and Justice Department prosecutors recommend criminal charges.

On by Ramon Ramirez

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Gen. John Allen didn’t troll Jill Kelley on Wikipedia

But another CENTCOM employee did.

On by Kevin Morris

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What the Petraeus scandal means for online privacy

The details of Gen. David Petraeus’s “love pentagon” have taken attention away from the important questions of privacy raised by his downfall.

On by Curt Hopkins

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More Wikipedia weirdness in the Petraeus affair

According to an odd Wikipedia edit in February, Jill Kelley is an “amateur ambassador and chess player.”

On by Kevin Morris

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Reporter live tweets FBI search of Petraeus’s mistress’s home

Charlotte, N.C. TV reporter Dianne Gallagher posted tweets from outside Paula Broadwell’s home hours before the national media reported on the FBI search.

On by Fernando Alfonso III

The Daily Dot