Woman issues warning to everyone who has security cameras

‘You could hear a man’s voice coming from our cameras’: Woman issues warning to everyone who has security cameras

‘No smart device is safe.’

On by Braden Bjella

Man says all his personal information was leaked in a cyber attack—and it may affect you too

‘This is so scary’: Man says all his personal information was leaked in a cyberattack—it may affect you too


On by Grace Fowler

Whole Foods shopper pays for her groceries with her hand

‘I’m scared & confused’: Viewers can’t believe how this Whole Foods shopper paid for her groceries

‘that is scaryyy.’

On by Jack Alban

How to 'Bleach' Your Hard Drive Like Hillary Clinton. In the bottom right corner is a Your Password Sucks logo in a Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr font.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: How to ‘bleach’ your hard drive like Hillary Clinton

You don’t actually have to use bleach.

On by Mikael Thalen

A computer with a PDF on it. In the top right corner is the Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr column Your Password Sucks logo.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: How to safely open suspicious PDFs

There’s a simple way to do it.

On by Mikael Thalen

Man explains why Google Incognito doesn’t really hide what you’re doing

‘Least shocking reveal of all time’: Man explains why Google Incognito doesn’t really hide what you’re doing

‘Or maybe stop looking up weird things in the first place.’

On by Phil West

Magnifying glass over CIA website

‘i hijacked the cia’s telegram’: Glitch on Musk’s X lets hacker take over CIA’s source recruitment channel

The CIA has declined to comment on the issue.

On by Mikael Thalen

An Apple logo with a lock next to it. The logo for the Daily Dot web_crawlr column 'Your Password Sucks' is in the top right corner.

Y0ur P@ssw0rd S*cks: Do I need virus protection software on Apple products?

Mac comes equipped with some great security features, but there are steps you can take for added security.

On by Mikael Thalen

Marlboro Cigarettes package zoomed in on PM USA logo

Leaked data from tobacco giant Philip Morris posted to 4chan

The data appears to have been dumped by an anonymous user.

On by Mikael Thalen

IT worker blocks TikTok from network

‘I can’t wait for the flood of tickets’: IT worker says he was told to block TikTok from Florida university network, sparking debate

‘I just switch to unlimited data.’

On by Braden Bjella

US Capitol building in front of purple sky with hand holding phone with TikTok on screen on right

Congress bans TikTok from members’ phones

The Office of Cybersecurity cited ‘a number of security risks.’

On by Claire Goforth

woman with shocked expression caption 'me realizing digital footprint is real because when called for a job interview they loved me but when they did a background check they said they didn't want to hire me anymore' (l) cybersecurity showing how they do background checks on computer (c) woman with shocked expression caption 'me realizing digital footprint is real because when called for a job interview they loved me but when they did a background check they said they didn't want to hire me anymore' (r)

‘I can’t have a personal life away from work?’: Cybersecurity worker reveals how companies do social media background checks on job candidates

‘It should be illegal for a company to look at what you do in your personal time.’

On by Braden Bjella

Homepage article image

User error is leaving hundreds of thousands of Android devices open to takeover

User error leaves hundreds of thousands of devices open to takeover, claims one white hat hacker

On by Chris Stokel-Walker

Peiter Zatko speaking into microphone

Twitter didn’t care about having foreign spies on its payroll, whistleblower tells Congress

Peiter ‘Mudge’ Zatko says Twitter was ‘unwilling to put the effort in’ to find spies.

On by Mikael Thalen

cloudflare logo over background of lines connecting dots

Cloudflare shoots down calls to drop Kiwi Farms

The company said terminating Kiwi Farms would set the wrong precedent.

On by Jacob Seitz

The Daily Dot