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J.K. Rowling humiliates Piers Morgan after he tries to diss her books

Rowling knew just where to hit him.


Samantha Grasso


Author J.K. Rowling defended her throne as Master of the Twittersphere on Saturday morning after a long-tweeted tussle with TV personality Piers Morgan, effectively proving to the world that no one shall come for Rowling and leave unscathed.

Rowling took “celebrity toady” Morgan to task early Saturday morning for his explanation of President Donald Trump‘s immigration ban while on Friday night’s episode of Real Time With Bill Maher. Morgan insisted that the travel ban on nationals from seven Muslim-majority nations in Africa and the Middle East wasn’t a “Muslim ban,” to which comedian Jim Jefferies swiftly told Morgan to “fuck off.”

Rowling then quoted the clip on Morgan’s takedown and celebrated.

Which did not sit well with Morgan, who then insulted Rowling’s Harry Potter series in reply.

Not one to back down from a Twitter fight, Rowling smartly questioned Morgan’s motive for swerving on her books.

Morgan countered again, shooting two salty tweets at the author.

Rowling came for Morgan swinging, alluding to his 2004 firing as the Daily Mirror editor for having published fake photos of British soldiers torturing an Iraqi prisoner.

Morgan then completely went off, even roping in a response from George Takei.

Awkwardly enough, a supporter of Rowling’s noticed that Morgan has indeed read the Harry Potter series—at least, enough to compare cyclist Lance Armstrong to Lord Voldemort.

To which Rowling put Morgan’s relationship with Trump in perspective.

And Morgan’s rebuttal subsequently proved that yes, he has read Harry Potter!

But he also still maintained that he hasn’t… ?

Clearly Morgan is more miffed than Rowling was at their exchange. While she stopped replying to his tweets five hours previous, Morgan was, as of this writing, still riffing on his attackers.

It’s cool, Morgan. Everyone gets dragged by Rowling on Twitter eventually. Just take the L and move on.

H/T Entertainment Weekly

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