Customer uses self-service kiosk to buy $3 pack of gum. They’re then asked to tip


‘Is it a tip for me?’: Customer uses self-service kiosk to buy $3 pack of gum. They’re then asked to tip

‘There is not a living, breathing soul in this little store except for me.’


Brooke Sjoberg


The familiar practice of tipping has spread to unfamiliar spaces, frustrating customers who might not ordinarily be upset about being asked to tip if they were being served by a human being.

But being asked to tip at a self-checkout? Many customers say absolutely not.

Tipping is already a topic fraught with debate about ethics and morality. Some folks figure that an employer should pick up the costs of paying employees wages that are not based on tips, while others are staunchly supportive of tipped workers. A third party, often made up of both of these types of people, is of the mind that tipping has spread to too many areas it was not previously associated with, where it does not make sense to tip.

Being asked to tip at self-service kiosks is a new, but spreading practice, based on recent TikToks shared by customers who are fed up with the audacity to tip something else for their own work.

More recently, a customer’s attempt to purchase a package of gum and a probiotic soda was met with a request to tip at a self-checkout at an airport shop.

In a video posted to TikTok by airline employee @jclassjosh, he shows the kiosk asking if he would like to leave a tip behind.

“I’ve had enough, and I’m just going to have to go ahead and say it,” he says. “As you can see there is not a living, breathing soul in this little store except for me. I walked in here, got my little snacks and checked myself out—$9 for two things is crazy, but whatever—then they have the nerve to ask for a tip. For what? A tip for who? Is it for me? Am I getting a discount on my bill?”

The Daily Dot has reached out to @jclassjosh via TikTok direct message regarding the video.

@jclassjosh I have no problem tipping and tipping well for quality service, but tipping at a self service kiosk? Make it make sense 😂🥲 #jclassjosh #travel #ciboexpress #tipping #leaveatip #tippingculture #makeitmakesense #airport #airportproblems #airportprices ♬ original sound – Josh Nichols

The poster is not the only one who found the idea of tipping at self-checkout ridiculous. Several viewers shared that they couldn’t believe the point-of-sale software included it.

“LMAOOO asking for a tip is CRAZZZYY,” one commenter wrote.

“Okay but even if you were getting rang up by a worker I stil wouldn’t because it’s literally prepackaged soda and gum like WHAT,” another user wrote.

“After asking for a tip, I might’ve voided the whole transaction,” one said. “Dont offend me like that. Imma take my items though.”

Others were hung up on the prices of the items themselves.

“$5.50 for a single can of soda is outrageous that shit better be the literal fountain of youth,” one commenter wrote.

“$9 for a can of soda and gum,” another commenter wrote. “Unbelievable.”

“That $9 would have ruined my day,” another user echoed.

The Daily Dot