Kim Kardashian Hollywood player invested 10 years in the game. Now they’re shutting it down

@cremedelacreme626/TikTok lev radin/ShutterStock OpturaDesign/ShutterStock (Licensed)

‘What about my kids? I got 2 kids’: Kim Kardashian: Hollywood player invested 10 years in the game. Now they’re shutting it down

‘@Kim Kardashian u owe this woman.’


Jack Alban


In 2014, Kim Kardashian changed the mobile gaming world forever after dropping Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, a text-box-based title where players navigate as an imaginary Influencer-hopeful to realize their dreams of being famous for the sake of being famous.

The attention-seeking, brand-promoting simulator purportedly racked up a whopping 45 million downloads in just two years, but the game’s developer, Glu, recently announced it would be discontinuing the game for good in April of 2024, just a few months shy of its ten-year-anniversary.

So fans of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood will be able to play it until then…if they already have the game installed. If you’re trying to download and play the game from the Google Play or Apple App Store then you’re out of luck, as Glu has already removed it as part of its decommissioning of the title.

According to the BBC, Kardashian purported said that the reason why the game’s going the way of Crystal Pepsi is because even though it “meant so much to her” that it’s “time to focus that energy into other passions.”

And while support for games are usually pulled because they’re no longer financially viable to operate when measured against its user base, there is one TikToker (@cremedelacreme626) who is not ready to let the game go.

A self-professed avid super-fan of the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood mobile game, @cremedelacreme626 questioned the social media influencer’s decision to call it quits on her mobile baby while showing off all of the in-game accomplishments she accrued with her imaginary socialite character Maybelline. Her viral clip has garnered over 8 million views on the app.

On @cremedelacreme626’s TikTok profile page, she’s even launched an online petition to keep the game going. As of publication, she’s collected 28 signatures.

“When I tell y’all I’m pissed off that they have canceled the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game, I’m telling y’all I’m pissed off that they have canceled this game,” @cremedelacreme626 says at the beginning of the clip.

After a loading screen for the game wraps up, the screen transitions to the TikToker’s in-game avatar. She continues to lament her misfortune: “I have been playing this game for ten years, look at my avatar, ten years in the making. You see the glow in her skin? You see them freckles on her face?” @cremedelacreme626 says, extolling the pristine beauty of the made-up character before her. “Look at her hair piece, her hair piece, match her bag. Look at her nails… and her dog.”

She then pans her camera away from the game screen and onto a white dog that looks very similar to the one she showed off in the game—the only difference is that it’s an actual dog. “I got the dog in real life!” she touts.

“Y’all, when I tell you I am a A+++ member in the top 100 of the game world, number 11, if you wanna be exact. 595.7 million fans?” she adds while showing off her in-game achievements. “I take this game very seriously. My guest performances, my guest appearances. My reality shows. My photo shoots. My life with my family. My kids. My husband. What y’all want to see, my private jet?”

She then taps a menu on the mobile device screen, prompting it to transition to another virtual trinket that will soon be deleted.

“Do you know how long it took me to get this private jet? Look at this spread. Look, there’s my husband,” she, using her finger to explore the jet and eventually highlight the imaginary cartoon man her imaginary cartoon woman is in an imaginary cartoon relationship with. She interacts with her virtual boo, who says, “Is it just me or are we the greatest couple in the world? I love you!” @cremedelacreme626, not the avatar who matches her weaves with her handbags, says, “I love you too baby,” before highlighting other aspects of the game she’s going to miss once it’s deleted.

“I have a dog that lives on the plane because how else she supposed to live in the Kim Kardashian world? Like this is truly devastating. I have a house in every major city in the world! In the world! What y’all wanna see?” she asks, tapping around the phone screen before selecting the fake “Downton LA” house in the soon-to-be-erased-from-mobile-app-stores-forever Kim Kardashian game.

“Baby, my house is laid. Every single one of them,” she says, the screen showing her husband and wife avatars inside of a lavish-looking cartoon house. “And look, look at my husband at home, like a good husband is supposed to be. Look at my fish, look at my fish, who gonna feed him? What happened, Kim Kardashian? Did you die?”

After interacting with her husband who gushes about how much he loves her avatar again, @cremedelacreme626 explains that she named her character Maybelline. “Because, baby, she’s born with it,” she says, referencing the makeup brand.

“And what about my kids? I got two kids y’all,” she says as the screen then transitions to her avatar nestling a baby named L’oreal in her arms. “Look at her! And Akon! And my nanny!” she says, panning the screen to show another cartoon baby in the arms of a short-haired woman.

“What am I supposed to do? Leave her to take care of my kids? Look at they room, nothing but the best for my kids. Like this is heartbreaking this is devastating. I’ve spent so much time invested into this game,” she repeats, this time showing off the massive clothing collection she accrued for the cartoon Maybelline.

“She can slay with the best of them, can’t nobody outdress her. Baby, check out her shoe closet. It is just to die for. I am so devastated at this. I cannot believe they shut this game down. Kim Kardashian, are you OK with this? What is going on? Please do not take this game. What am I supposed to do?”

She focuses her camera on the Maybelline avatar a final time. “Look at her!” she mutters right before the video closes out.

@cremedelacreme626 #kimkardashian #kimkardashianhollwoodgame #heartbreak #10years ♬ original sound – Maybelline

Some TikTokers offered up conciliatory suggestions as to different games @cremedelacreme626 could use to fill up her time. “I promise you’ll love sims 4,” one individual wrote. Another echoed this sentiment, writing: “girl just download the sims 4 get famous + pets and city living!!”

Another user on the app just enjoyed @cremedelacreme626’s undulating tone in the clip: “This is so unserious & serious at the same time LMAO.”

According to Parade, Kardashian has earned around $26 million from the mobile application in its over 9 years of existence. While the app is no more, at least she was able to launch a (once?) widely played mobile game and earn more money off of it than the vast majority of people will ever see in their lifetimes.

The Daily Dot has reached out to @cremedelacreme626 via TikTok comment for further information.

The Daily Dot