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How to play 21 Questions (and what questions work best for the game)

For those struggling with initiating or sustaining a conversation, this game can be a helpful bridge.


Kahron Spearman


Posted on Oct 5, 2023   Updated on Oct 10, 2023, 9:12 pm CDT

21 Questions is a time-honored conversation game used to delve deeper into understanding someone. It offers players a structured format to interact, whether in a group setting or as a duo, either in person or virtually.

At its core, the game exemplifies the genuine curiosity one person has about another. It’s a learning exercise to uncover stories, feelings (for your crush perhaps), and opinions that might not emerge in regular chat. And for those struggling with initiating or sustaining a conversation, this game can be a helpful bridge.

How to play 21 Questions

The primary guideline is to remain truthful. Here are a few variations, with the help from Science of People:

Round and Round Questions: Best for groups, this involves each participant answering the same question. Each member gets a chance to ask a question, and participants can typically “skip” one query they’re uncomfortable with.

Ricochet Questions: Tailored for two, this style keeps the game dynamic, with players taking turns posing and answering questions.

Rapid Fire: Designed for a deeper dive, one participant is asked 21 successive questions before switching roles.

The essence of the game lies in the questions posed. It’s essential to strike the right balance, keeping the context and relationship between players in mind. Questions could range from casual to profound, depending on the depth of the relationship.

Sample questions for different scenarios:

Getting to Know Someone: For instance, “If you could advise your younger self, what would you say?”

For a New Relationship: Such as, “How do you envision the perfect relationship?”

To Ask Your Crush: Think along the lines of, “What was your initial impression of me?”

Flirty Ideas: Consider, “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

Texting Scenarios: Examples include, “What’s your all-time favorite movie?” or “Who’s your favorite #couplegoals couple?”

Some bonus questions for added fun might be, “What actor would play you in your life’s movie?” or “How would you tackle a zombie apocalypse?”

Why play 21 Questions?

The 21 Questions game acts as a conversational catalyst, breaking through surface-level chat and venturing into more meaningful territory. Whether kindling a new relationship or exploring layers of a longstanding one, this game provides a light-hearted yet insightful way to open the conversation doors.

Remember, the revelations can be very real while it’s a game. It’s essential to ensure mutual comfort with the questions. And if a query feels intrusive, it’s okay to skip or modify. After all, the game’s goal is understanding, not discomfort.

Do you need 21 questions to play 21 Questions? We have them!

Whether you’re hoping to deepen a bond or learn more about someone’s perspective, having an array of questions to pick from can be incredibly helpful. Here’s a fresh batch of questions tailored to different scenarios:

For a long car ride

  • What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen in person?
  • Where would you go if you could take a road trip anywhere in the world?
  • What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen on a road trip?
  • Do you have a favorite travel story?
  • Who would it be if you could only listen to one artist for the rest of the drive?
  • Are you more of a journey or destination person?
  • What’s the longest you’ve ever driven in one day?
  • Do you prefer driving during the day or night?
  • What’s the weirdest food you’ve tried while traveling?
  • Which fictional world would you love to take a road trip in?

For a first date

  • What’s the most memorable first date you’ve ever had?
  • If you could choose any talent to master instantly, what would it be?
  • How do you usually spend your weekends?
  • What’s a dish you could eat over and over again?
  • Do you have any hidden talents or party tricks?
  • When it’s on TV, what movie will you always sit down to watch?
  • How do you like to decompress after a long day?
  • Do you have a favorite childhood toy or game?
  • What would be your ideal date if the budget wasn’t an issue?
  • If you had to describe your personality using three fictional characters, who would they be?

For a work retreat

  • Who in the office has had the most influence on you?
  • What was your first-ever job?
  • Do you have any work-related pet peeves?
  • How do you handle work-related stress?
  • What’s the most challenging project you’ve worked on and why?
  • What’s one thing about your job that people don’t know or appreciate?
  • If you could try out another role in the company for a day, which would it be?
  • What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?
  • How do you organize and plan your tasks for the week?
  • If our workplace had a mascot, what do you think it should be?

For a family reunion

  • Which relative, that you haven’t met, would you love to get to know?
  • What’s a family story you always hear at gatherings?
  • Do you have a favorite family recipe?
  • What’s the best piece of advice a family member has given you?
  • How are you similar or different from your parents?
  • Do you have a cherished family heirloom? What’s its story?
  • What family tradition do you treasure the most?
  • Who’s the funniest member of our family and why?
  • If our family had a motto, what would it be?
  • How has our family history shaped who you are today?

For a night with friends

  • What’s the most outrageous goal you’ve set for yourself?
  • If you win the lottery tomorrow, what’s the first thing you would buy?
  • Do you have a favorite memory of us together?
  • What’s something you’ve tried that you’d never try again?
  • If you could go on a trip anywhere with this group, where would we go?
  • Do you have a song that always puts you in a good mood?
  • What hobby or activity have you always wanted to pick up?
  • What’s your most treasured possession and why?
  • If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
  • If we were all characters in a movie, which roles do you think we’d play?

With a mix of light-hearted, deep, and thought-provoking questions, the 21 Questions game offers countless opportunities for connection.

It’s not just about the answers, but also the stories and conversations they inspire. Happy questioning!

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*First Published: Oct 5, 2023, 5:21 pm CDT