Christine Blasey Ford at the Kavanaugh hearing

Washington Post/YouTube Spacekatgal/Twitter Remix by Samantha Grasso

The shaking in Christine Blasey Ford’s voice has brought the internet to tears

She said the most vivid memory of the alleged assault was ‘the uproarious laughter’ between the two men.


Samantha Grasso

Layer 8

Today, Christine Blasey Ford is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, answering questions and relaying details about the night she says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school. Just a few minutes in her written statement, the internet was already shaken.

“I am here today not because I want to be,” she began after introducing herself. “I am terrified. I am here because I believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened to me while Brett Kavanaugh and I were in high school.”

Many on Twitter have commented on Ford’s voice, cracking in that opening statement and as she recalled the events of the night she says Kavanaugh attempted to rape her. Women across the internet immediately said they were in tears.

Parts of her retelling of her attempted rape, too, have touched viewers and listeners of her testimony. In particular, many have pointed out her “most vivid memory” of the event, being the “uproarious laughter” between Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge, who Ford says was in the room when Kavanaugh attempted to take her clothes off.

Others have pointed out the ways in which Ford has attempted to be cordial and flexible with the committee, showcasing how even someone as forthcoming as Ford is attempting to appease the committee’s demands amid reliving her own trauma.

While Ford has had to recall her experience and relive her trauma publicly, by herself, it is clear she is not alone.

If you are a victim of sexual assault or want more information on sexual assault, contact the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

The Daily Dot