Televangelist weeping over Biden


Video shows televangelist weeping over Joe Biden’s election victory

‘You’re gonna sit there and openly question the wisdom of God?’


Nahila Bonfiglio


Not everyone who voted for President Donald Trump this year is ready to come to terms with President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

Televangelists appear to be taking the news particularly hard. Earlier this week, a video of televangelist Kenneth Copeland laughing hysterically over the election results went viral. Now, a new contestant is challenging for the title of “weirdest political freakout in a church.” A video recently posted to Twitter and the r/PublicFreakout subreddit shows a different, unidentified televangelist weeping after realizing that Trump has no path to victory.

The emotional histrionics last for less than a minute. The televangelist—who is kneeling and leaning against a podium as if he lacks the strength to stand—pleads with God as if he might change the election results with enough prayer.

Other Christians might argue that God’s hand guides everything, and therefore, God elected Biden president. Unfortunately, this is a reality the televangelist simply could not accept.

The video opens strong, as the pastor chokes out a “please” through tears. “God, you are pro-life. One man is, and one man is not,” he says, doing his best to open God’s eyes to his supposed mistake.

The televangelist, still slumped over his podium, goes on to list the ideals that God—a supposedly omniscient being—holds true. According to the televangelist, God is also pro-Israel, pro-military, and pro-police. Strange choices for a pro-life God, but OK.

Things really get going just past the video’s halfway point. As the pastor invokes the name of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo—another divine appointee, apparently—somber music fills the room.

“Lord, have you brought Mike Pompeo to be secretary of state only for that to end now?” the pastor pleads. “Have you brought, Lord, Amy Coney Barrett into the, onto the Court, and that’s it? We’re done?”

He finishes off his heartfelt prayer with the proclamation, “We in this room, we’re still pro-life here.”

Commenters on Reddit were torn between indignation and sweet, sweet catharsis. Several self-identifying Christians were horrified at the televangelist’s arrogance in claiming to know the mind of God. Others were delighted to watch someone they believe bastardizes religion present himself in such a sorry state.

“As a christian conservative, this is just shameful,” u/OnionShanty wrote. “You’re gonna sit there with crocodile tears over a president elect of a country? You’re gonna sit there and openly question the wisdom of God? I mean it’s one thing to wonder why would you do this (like say a child passing early in his life or something) but to sit there and basically argue with God. This guy is borderline telling God he fucked up. Absolutely disgusting and obviously just putting up a front for more money. This man is a paid actor.”

Many commenters agreed, noting that political messaging has no place in religious services.

“This is not church. Ministers caught turning their services into political rallies should be TAXED,” one person wrote.

The conversation quickly spiraled into a debate about abortion. Most commenters, even those who didn’t necessarily agree with the practice, argued that the concept of “pro-life” is flawed.

“They’re really pro birth not pro life,” u/Tyrone_Cashmoney wrote. “Once the baby is out they couldn’t give less of a shit about the child or mother.”

The televangelist’s tearful message will not change the results of the election, but it did provide social media users with a brief, delightful viewing experience, followed by an enthusiastic political and religious debate. Maybe the televangelist can join the plan to elect Trump governor of an unnamed state and move there. He’d surely be welcomed with open arms.

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