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Conservative radio host trolls women with #HowToSpotAFeminist

Conservative radio host Doc Thompson thinks his anti-feminist hashtag is funny. Feminists strongly disagree.


Marisa Kabas


You may have thought that conservatives would be sick of bashing feminists by now. But it seems that every day is a new opportunity for trolls to harass women who have the audacity to believe they should have the same rights as men.

Doc Thompson, host of The Morning Blaze on The Blaze Radio, is the incredibly imaginative mastermind behind the hashtag #HowToSpotAFeminist, which he first tweeted last Sunday. 

The responses were predictably stereotypical and offensive. But for the sake of education, here’s a sampling of a few.

Once people who self-identified as feminists caught wind of the hashtag, they decided to get in on the fun.

But it turns out that not only is Thompson a misogynist, he’s also a total troll. Now he’s retweeting and replying to outlets that are writing about the outrage over his hashtag. He’s also asking his fans to pile on.

In light of Thompson’s movement, we’ve compiled a few pointers on #HowToSpotAnIdiot:

  • Thinks that a vast group of people can be summed up in one tweet.
  • Believes there’s a direct correlation between hair style and feminism.
  • Uses a national platform to unleash a legion of trolls on people simply standing up for human rights.
  • Reinforces tired, unoriginal stereotypes about women.
  • Says heinous things about you and then expects you to laugh about it.

Thanks, Doc Thompson. We all learned a lot today.

Photo via Chase Carter/Flickr

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