
The YouTuber who taught a dog to give the Nazi salute on command can’t find a job

YouTube has also weighed in.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

Count Dankula YouTube

The YouTuber who taught a dog to give the Nazi salute and was subsequently found guilty of hate speech is apparently having a difficult time finding somebody to employ him.

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Count Dankula, whose real name is Mark Meechan and who has more than 400,000 subscribers on YouTube, wrote on Twitter that he can’t find a job because potential employers are continuously harassed by those who are offended by his nationalistic and libertarian views. In a recent video, the Scottish social media star also said his YouTube videos have been demonetized, meaning he can’t earn any of the ad revenue off his vlogs.

As the Daily Record notes, Gerard Batten—the leader of the pro-Brexit UKIP party—tweeted about Meechan’s hard times and wrote: “Alternative media voices are being closed down or denied income.”


In 2016, the YouTuber posted a video in which he showed that he had taught his girlfriend’s pug how to give the Nazi salute on command when somebody used the phrase “Sieg Heil.” The dog also immediately responded whenever he said, “Gas the Jews.” Though his girlfriend said Meechan, whose 2016 video has more than 3.8 million views, had “never expressed anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic” views and had “always been very supportive toward minority groups,” he was convicted and fined £800.


Now, though, he’s upset that his YouTube earnings have been shut off.


In a follow-up tweet, Meechan wrote, “There was no warning or anything for any of this, no email from YouTube, no explanation as to why, or anything, I’ve already lost over half of my patrons due to Patreon being censorious, and I now learn that I will no longer be making any income directly from my videos.”

He continued, “YouTube already has something on my channel where no matter what I upload, it needs to be reviewed before it can be monetized, I even tested this with a private video of [his dogs] Buddha and Bronson playing with a toy. It needed reviewed [sic]. It was irritating, but I soldiered on. … But even despite the fact that each of my videos were manually reviewed and deemed advertiser-friendly, YouTube for some reason, have [sic] decided to go back on this and demonetize literally everything, while providing no warning or reason as to why it did so.”

In a video posted last week, Meechan also said a BuzzFeed reporter labeled him as “far right” in a recent article and that might have led YouTube to demonetize him. A Daily Dot message to YouTube asking about the reason for Meechan’s demonetization and whether it’s a permanent decision was not immediately returned.

“I’m in a little bit of a situation,” he said in his most recent video. “I know people will say, ‘Oh, you shouldn’t make YouTube your fulltime job.’ Well, then find somewhere that will fucking hire me. What the media and the courts did to me, I literally have no chance for the rest of my life of ever getting a regular job.”


H/T Daily Record

The Daily Dot