Dot Recs

Here’s the sexy Harambe costume you were looking for this Halloween

This costume is bananas. (B-a-n-a-n-a-s.)

Photo of Marisa Losciale

Marisa Losciale

You knew it was coming this Halloween.

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Yep, that’s right. A sexy gorilla costume for…oh I don’t know, sexy Donkey Kong? But most likely sexy Harambe.

The internet can be a strange place, full of some pretty ridiculous Halloween costumes. But I still find myself staring at this sexy gorilla costume thinking, “Wow, this could be kind of cute.” 

The costume comes with the hood, dress, and gloves. It even comes with a banana purse.


Need more ideas? This costume would make the perfect sexy Meemee costume from Sega’s Super Monkeyball series. Or a sexy Mighty Joe Young. Keep it classic and be a sexy King Kong. The possibilities are endless. 

The price of the sexy gorilla costume starts at $49.99. Get it on Amazon, while supplies last. (Because you know it probably won’t.) Buy it here.

BONUS: Haunt your own house for Halloween

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