The White House has launched a portal for claims of social media bias.

Gage Skidmore/Flickr

White House launches portal for conservatives to share stories of social media bias

It’s the latest in the movement to #StopTheBias.


David Covucci


The White House on Wednesday launched a portal for social media users to share instances of bias on platforms.

While ostensibly non-partisan, the survey is clearly aimed at collecting stories from conservatives who have long claimed that tech giants are biased against them.

While conservative news dominates in reach on major platforms, several recent Facebook suspensions for conservatives have increased the claims of unfair censorship on social media, an argument that has been percolating for a year now.

The president, often the most aggrieved among us, has weighed in.

The portal asks users to share their stories of suspensions and account restrictions.

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The survey goes on to ask for account names, stories of bias, and whether the White House can contact participants to share the stories.

In case you are wondering if it’s aimed at anyone, the reaction to the portal was largely cheering by right-wingers.

You can view the survey here.


The Daily Dot