
‘Horrifying’ TSA pat-down of boy captured on video

‘We were treated like dogs.’

Photo of Andrew Couts

Andrew Couts

TSA Agent Pats Down 11 Year Old Boy at DFW International Airport March 2017

The Transportation Security Administration is under fire for an agent’s prolonged pat-down of a boy at a Dallas airport, which the boy’s mother captured in a video that has sparked disgust and outrage over the anti-terrorism procedure.

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In a minute-long video captured by the boy’s mother, Jennifer Williamson, a male TSA agent at Dallas/Fort-Worth International Airport (DFW) is seen repeatedly running his hands over the boy’s body, which Williamson described as “traumatizing” for her son, Aaron, whom she says has Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD. Williamson did not reveal her son’s age.

“We were treated like dogs because I requested they attempt to screen him in other ways per TSA rules,” wrote Williamson on Facebook. “He has SPD and I didn’t want my child given a pat down like this.”

The TSA, meanwhile, is standing by its conduct.


Williamson says Aaron “set off NO alarms” and “physically did not alarm at all during screening.” She also claims the TSA detained Aaron for “well over an hour” to conduct the screening process, which caused the family to miss their flight.

The TSA disputes some of these events, claiming in a statement provided to media outlets that “all approved procedures were followed to resolve an alarm of the passenger’s laptop.” The TSA also says the family was held at the checkpoint for approximately 45 minutes, and that both the TSA agent’s supervisor and two police officers observed the pat-down.

“In total, the pat-down took approximately two minutes, and was observed by the mother and two police officers who were called to mitigate the concerns of the mother,” the TSA statement reads. “The passengers were at the checkpoint for approximately 45 minutes, which included the time it took to discuss screening procedures with the mother and to screen three carry-on items that required further inspection.”


The TSA did not immediately respond to our request for comment regarding consideration of Aaron’s medical condition, which can cause unusual responses to physical contact due to the way touch is processed by the nervous system in people with SPD. The agency offers passengers with disabilities assistance through its ‘TSA Cares’ program, although it is not clear whether Williamson used this service.

Williamson did not immediately respond to our request for comment.

TSA agents at DFW have triggered outrage over their aggressive screening procedures before. In 2012, the TSA was forced to apologize after agents detained a disabled 11-year-old girl whose wheelchair was found to have explosive residue on it.


This month, the TSA instituted a new “comprehensive pat-down procedure” at U.S. airports and eliminated alternative screening measures after investigators discovered major security lapses in the agency’s anti-terrorism efforts.

Williamson’s video has since been shared more than 85,000 times and viewed more than 5 million times.