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Trump: Russia helped get me elected

Is this a slip of the tongue?


David Covucci


President Donald Trump announced today that he had nothing to do with “Russia helping me to get elected,” an admission of a well-known fact the president has been loath to admit: Russian election interference in 2016 was aimed to get him in the White House.

Trump’s tweets come in response to a press conference held by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which some viewed as a signal to Congress to begin impeachment proceedings.

Trump has taken myriad positions on Russian election interference, denying it existed and placing the blame on other countries. So his words, while continuing to deny any collusion, did admit that he wound up in the White House thanks to the work of a foreign adversary.

He later denied the same statement at a press gaggle on his way to Marine One.

“No, Russia did not get me elected,” Trump said.

Well, that settles it.

Correction: This article originally misquoted Trump in the headline.


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