
Gage Skidmore/Flickr Donald Trump/Twitter (CC-BY-SA)

Trump tells 4 congresswomen of color to go back to the countries they came from

All four women are Americans and three of them are U.S.-born.


Eilish O'Sullivan


On Sunday morning, President Donald Trump told four congresswomen of color to “go back” to the “totally broken and crime infested” countries that they came from.

Only the women didn’t “come from” anywhere–all four women are Americans and three of them were born in the U.S.

Trump targeted his attack at Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.)–all of whom are American and women of color. Ocasio-Cortez was born in the Bronx, New York. Pressley was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Tlaib was born in Detroit, Michigan. And Omar, who is a Somalian refugee, has been in the U.S. since the early ’90s.

“Mr. President, the country I ‘come from,’ & the country we all swear to, is the United States,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in response.

Trump was essentially trying to butt into an ongoing feud between the progressive congresswomen and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)

Instead of letting Trump further divide them, Pelosi came to the women’s defense, calling out the president’s racist tweet.

“When Donald Trump tells four American Congresswomen to go back to their countries, he reaffirms his plan to ‘Make America Great Again’ has always been about making America white again,” she wrote.

Like, Ocasio-Cortez, Pelosi then tried to direct attention back to the border as well as the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids taking place across the nation. The raids were set to begin around the same time Trump’s tweets went out.

“I reject Donald Trump’s xenophobic comments meant to divide our nation,” she wrote. “Rather than attack Members of Congress, he should work with us for humane immigration policy that reflects American values. Stop the raids.”

Trump’s tweets led #RacistInChief, #TrumpIsARacist, and #RacistTrump to trend on Twitter, with the consensus being that Trump is racist.


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H/T Politico

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