The Wall Street Journal and Donald Trump

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5 bizarre quotes from Trump’s Wall Street Journal interview transcript

He called Jared Kushner a ‘good boy.’


Andrew Wyrich


President Donald Trump gave a long interview with the Wall Street Journal last week that, on the surface, appeared less off-the-wall than the one he gave with the New York Times last month.

The Journal released a partial transcript of the interview but never released everything that was discussed between the president and some of the paper’s editors and reporters. However, Politico published the interview in full on Tuesday—which includes some bizarre comments from Trump that mirror ones he made in the now notorious Times interview.

Here are some of the most notable exchanges.

  • On Jared Kushner: The president’s adviser and son-in-law has been at the forefront of the ongoing probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and Trump appeared to enjoy a Journal editorial published on the day of their interview. After praising the paper’s editorial, Trump said:

“You did a good job. He’s a good—he’s a good boy.”

“You know, if you think, Hillary Clinton, smart person, she was the first lady of the country, her entire life was spent—her entire eight years was spent trying to get health care. Never even came close. Obama—and one thing I have to say, I’m here now exactly six months. Obama took would you say a year-and-a-half?”

“TRUMP: I’d be the first to admit mixed. I’m a guy that will tell you mixed. There was no mix there. That was a standing ovation from the time I walked out to the time I left, and for five minutes after I had already gone. There was no mix.


WSJ: Yeah, there was a lot of supporters in the arena.


TRUMP: And I got a call from the head of the Boy Scouts saying it was the greatest speech that was ever made to them, and they were very thankful. So there was—there was no mix.

BAKER: But we can’t expect any more staff changes in the immediate—in the immediate future?


TRUMP: No, I don’t think so.




TRUMP: But I’m very happy with Anthony. I think Anthony is going to do amazing.

  • When was that Miss Universe pageant in Russia again?: While discussing the “hoax” investigation by both houses of Congress and a special counsel into any possible Russian involvement with his campaign, Trump tries to assuage the reporters and editors that he has no ties to Russia. As an example, Trump says he had Miss Universe pageant in Russia “like, nine years ago, eight years ago, something like that.” Trump held Miss Universe in Moscow four years ago, in 2013.
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