Donald Trump with 'There is no O' tweet

Gage Skidmore/Flickr @CillizzaCNN/Twitter (CC-BY-SA) Remix by Jason Reed

Everyone is cracking sex jokes after Trump’s latest tweet

There should be some ‘O.’


David Covucci


As our Republic careens toward a constitutional crisis with our commander-in-chief openly flouting the rule of law, we might as well let everyone know we’re still horny.

Today, President Donald Trump attacked Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, saying it was staffed with “13 Angry Democrats” and that “There is no O, it’s called Fighting Back.”

Nothing inherently sexual about that expect that… lol he said “no O.”

“O” can stand for orgasm, the act of climax during sexual intercourse.

Because, you know, when the president is denying he committed crimes that could be the basis for his impeachment, one might as well pretending he’s talking about sex.

This is not the first time Twitter has taken Trump’s tweets to have weirdly sexual undertones. Back in February 2017, the president lamented how “D should be easy.”

Maybe that’s why there’s “no O”

The Daily Dot