Sen. Ted Cruz is being slammed on Twitter for writing a glowing blurb about President Donald Trump in Time Magazine's Top 100 Influential People.

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Ted Cruz’s glowing blurb about Trump in Time magazine is getting destroyed online

‘Ted, have some dignity.’


Andrew Wyrich


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has been on the receiving end of countless taunts, attacks, and snide remarks from President Donald Trump.

Trump has mocked his wife, insinuated that his father was involved in assassinating former President John F. Kennedy, and even used his “Lyin’ Ted Cruz” nickname on Twitter several times during the 2016 election.

Apparently, all those past comments weren’t enough to stop the senator from Texas from writing a glowing blurb about the president in Time Magazine‘s Top 100 influential people in the world.

“President Trump is a flash-bang grenade thrown into Washington by the forgotten men and women of America,” Cruz wrote. “The fact that his first year as Commander in Chief disoriented and distressed members of the media and political establishment is not a bug but a feature.”

The Texas senator continued:

“President Trump is doing what he was elected to do: disrupt the status quo. That scares the heck out of those who have controlled Washington for decades, but for millions of Americans, their confusion is great fun to watch.”

The praise for Trump might seem odd, considering Cruz has called the now-president a “pathological liar” and “narcissist” in the past. The flip-flop on his feelings about Trump was not missed by people online.

Maybe the Texas senator was just “lyin’” in his Time blurb?

The Daily Dot