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How Reddit users helped Bernie Sanders close in on Hillary Clinton

Some 13,800 users are responsible for more than $200,000 to Sanders’s campaign in the past three months alone.


Kevin Collier


Fueled by online donations, Bernie Sanders has nearly caught up to rival Hillary Clinton’s spending power.

And he has, at least in part, a corner of Reddit to thank.

Sanders, the Vermont senator and Democratic presidential hopeful who famously eschews corporate campaign donations, has raised more than $26 million in the past three months, his campaign announced Wednesday evening. Nobody was more excited by that news than his supporters on Reddit’s r/sandersforpresident, which has grown rapidly since April and now boasts more than 100,000 subscribers, which utterly dwarfs support on the site for any other single candidate.

The subreddit boasts a dedicated ActBlue link through which its subscribers can donate. In the last three months alone—the period of Sanders’s latest haul—that subreddit has raised at least $200,000, r/sandersforpresident moderators told the Daily Dot. 

That’s an estimation, because they can only track the total number that’s come through that particular link, which totals $335,497 given by 13,801 different people, and there’s no way to track donations if users donate through any other link. 

By comparison, the remaining election field, combined, has a fraction of the support on Reddit that Sanders enjoys. Three different subreddits dedicated to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have just over 1,000 total onlookers between them. A subreddit for Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has 4,500; two for Republican Businessman Donald Trump have a combined 1,153; and one for Democratic longshot Lawrence Lessig has 420. Subreddits dedicated to the remaining eight other active Republican candidates who participated in the official debates have a measly 1,372 subscribers between them.

Of course, Sanders’s fundraising only stands out because it’s such a grassroots effort. That 99 percent of his campaign donations are for $100 or less only stands to highlight that other candidates do accept bigger gifts. Clinton, for example, raised a reported $32 million over that same period, and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has reportedly raised a total of around $130 million.

Illustration by Max Fleishman

The Daily Dot