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Joe Biden/Instagram

‘MAGA Mom’ Karen doesn’t want her child’s teacher telling students Biden won

She’s ‘p*ssed’ that the class was asked to calculate Joe Biden’s electoral votes.


Claire Goforth


A woman has gone viral for a tirade about her son’s 3rd-grade teacher telling her kids to color in the 2020 Electoral College map results and calculate the electoral votes each presidential candidate received.

As directed, her son colored in all the states that President-elect Joe Biden won in blue, and those that lame-duck President Donald Trump won in red. He then added the electoral votes received by each for a total of 306 votes for Biden and 232 for Trump.

When his mother saw it, she went bananas. According to screenshots posted by Twitter user @CopingMAGA, she crossed out the six states where Trump has falsely alleged widespread voter fraud, tweeting she did so to teach her son “what’s REALLY going on.”

She wasn’t done yet. The woman then called the teacher and reportedly posted audio of their mostly one-sided conversation.

“The entire class should have this done again and X’s should be put or different colors should be put on their homework or another sheet and let them understand what the process is,” she said.

“I’m not the only parent who thinks this. I’m just the only parent who’s not scared to stand up and say something.”

The teacher said that she would speak to the woman’s son. According to a screenshot posted by @CopingMAGA, this wasn’t enough. The mother vowed to take the matter to the principal, presumably in the hopes of convincing them to order the teacher to lie to the children about the election results or face some sort of disciplinary action.

The woman has since locked her Twitter account. The Daily Dot requested comment on the Parler account referenced in her bio. As of publication, she had not responded.

The woman also posted about the incident on her Parler, where her profile includes the acronym for “where we go one, we go all,” a popular slogan with QAnon conspiracy theorists, as well as many pro-Trump hashtags. There she went into further detail about how confused her son was to hear the actual results of the presidential election “when he knew that was not true.”

She also vowed that neither the teacher nor the school “has heard the last of me.”

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While it is true that Trump has refused to concede the election, there’s no real evidence contradicting the fact that Biden received a majority of votes in the states Trump is contesting.

Yet many of Trump’s hardcore base insist that he won, a claim that far-right media like OAN, which the mother cited in her posts, are also pushing.

Many were tickled at her referencing OAN like it’s a reliable source of news.

People on Twitter were both appalled and amused by the mother’s conduct.

“I’m laughing so much it hurts but what really hurts is how fragile democracy is,” @crustaceansoup said.

“We don’t pay teachers enough,” @DanielMadison78 said. Another suggested that the internet get the teacher some wine.

Biden will be inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2021.

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