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2020 Election live updates: State results, electoral college votes, and key races

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3:34pm CT, Nov 4. Michigan called for Biden

CNN and NBC News are projecting that Joe Biden will win the state of Michigan, another major victory for the former vice president as he chases the necessary 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency. This is another state that Biden has flipped from the 2016 election, joining Arizona, which was also called for him.

1:50pm CT, Nov 4: Wisconsin is a Biden win

CNN and the Associated Press are projecting that Biden has won Wisconsin. At the same time, the Trump campaign is already calling for a recount. However, former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) is pouring cold water on the idea that a recount will flip the results.

“After recount in 2011 race for WI Supreme Court, there was a swing of 300 votes. After recount in 2016 Presidential race in WI, @realDonaldTrump numbers went up by 131. As I said, 20,000 is a high hurdle. #Election2020,” Walker tweeted on Wednesday morning.

Trump is also projected to pick up one electoral vote from Maine’s 2nd District, according to the Associated Press.

10:56am CT, Nov. 4: Biden officially wins Arizona

Fox News projected on Tuesday night that Biden would get the first state flip of the election, with the former vice president winning Arizona. Trump won the state with just over 48 percent of the vote in the 2016 election. However, Trump advisor Jason Miller called it “way too soon” to call the state.

Around 2am CT on Wednesday morning, however, the Associated Press also called the state in favor of Biden. A win in Arizona helps Biden with more pathways to get the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the election.

Meanwhile, NBC News is projecting that Biden will win at least three of Maine’s four Electoral College votes.

12:29am: Biden wins key Nebraska district, Trump takes Texas.

Some early morning projections have come in for both candidates. CNN projects that Trump will win Texas. The news outlet also projected Rhode Island would go to Biden.

Meanwhile, NBC News projected that Biden will win Nebraska’s second congressional district, which could come into play depending on the results of Pennsylvania.

11:39pm: Trump claims Ohio again, Minnesota goes Biden

Trump has won an important state. Fox News and NBC News are projecting that Trump will win Ohio and its 18 electoral votes. Biden is projected to win Hawaii, according to NPR, via the Associated Press.

Minnesota and its 10 electoral votes are going to Biden, the first in a string of Midwestern states Biden will need to win to take the White House

10:05pm CT: West Coast goes to Biden

The West Coast states have begun to be called. Biden unsurprisingly swept the West Coast of the country. The Associated Press projected just after 10pm CT that Biden would win CaliforniaOregon, and Washington. Trump also picked up a western state, though, with the Associated Press calling Idaho for the president.

9:40pm CT: House of Representatives to stay under Democratic control

Joe Biden is projected to win New Hampshire, according to NBC News. Trump is projected to win Utah.

Meanwhile, in non-presidential race news, the House of Representatives is projected to remain in Democratic control, as NBC News and Fox News report.

8:43pm CT: Biden captures Colorado; Trump takes South Carolina

Trump picked up South Carolina, with ABC News projecting the president will win the state. Trump also is going to win Oklahoma, CNN is projecting.

Biden has picked up Colorado, according to CNN.

8:21pm CT: Trump holds steady in the Dakotas; Biden wins Illinois, New York

More states are rolling in. Joe Biden is projected to win Illinois, the Associated Press reports. CNN also projected that Biden will win New York, while NPR via the Associated Press is projecting Biden will win New Mexico.

Trump is projected to win NebraskaWyomingNorth Dakota, and Louisiana, according to the Associated Press. NBC News projects that Trump won South Dakota,

7:37pm CT: Biden takes Connecticut, Trump takes Tennessee

Joe Biden is projected to win Connecticut, according to NBC News. Trump is projected to win Tennessee, according to ABC News. The president is also projected to win Arkansas, according to NPR via the Associated Press.

7:07pm CT: Slew of states called with no surprises

A number of states have no been called by several news outlets—although none are all that surprising.

Trump is expected to take three states, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Alabama, all called by the Associated Press. Meanwhile, Biden is expected to win four states, and Washington, D.C. According to NBC News, Biden is going to win New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and Massachusetts

6:48pm CT: Biden wins Virginia, Trump takes West Virginia

Both candidates picked up a few more states. The Associated Press called West Virginia for Trump, and Virginia for Biden.

However, things are looking less definitive in Georgia. According to an Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter, a vote count is not expected in Fulton County, where Atlanta is located, after a water pipe burst in an absentee by mail processing center at a local arena.

6:10pm CT: First polls closed: Trump wins Indiana, Kentucky; Biden wins Vermont

Several states have been called by various news outlets, the first of the 2020 election. CNN projects that Trump has won Indiana, and NPR, via the Associated Press projects that the president will win Kentucky.

Meanwhile, the Associated Press, projects that Biden will win Vermont. Polls have also closed in Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia, although results are not expected to be in for some time.

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