Lets Talk About Mouth 2020 Democratic Debate South Carolina

CBS News/YouTube

Debate devolves into candidates shouting ‘math’ at each other

‘Let’s talk about math.’


Andrew Wyrich


The 2020 Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina–just like the previous one in Nevada–has been heated so far.

So heated in fact, that a discussion about Medicare-for-All devolved into a shouting match with several candidates, like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Pete Buttigieg, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), shouting, “Let’s talk about math” over one another.

The exchange started when one of the moderators asked Sanders to “do the math” on his numerous proposed policies.

Sanders responded by asking how many hours she had for his answer, before talking about how he proposes paying for his Medicare-for-All plan.

Soon, Klobuchar responded that Sanders’ math “does not add up.”

After her response, nearly everyone on stage began raising their hand with Buttigieg repeatedly saying, “I think we’re talking about math,” “Let’s talk about math,” and “Here’s the math.” As he was saying that, Sanders also repeatedly said, “Let’s talk about math.”

Basically the word “math” engulfed the debate stage for several seconds, and people on Twitter noticed.


Others pointed out that Andrew Yang, the entrepreneur who suspended his campaign for the presidency after the New Hampshire primary, wore a “math” pin to several debates.


So, to sum everything up: math.


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