Jim Jordan Michael Cohen


Jim Jordan’s sex abuse scandal comes back after fiery opening Cohen statement

Jordan has his own issues.


David Covucci


Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) kicked off today’s highly anticipated hearing with Michael Cohen—President Donald Trump’s lawyer—with a fiery diatribe, calling Cohen’s appearance a sham. Jordan repeatedly attacked Cohen’s credibility, calling him a future federal inmate as a way to discredit his testimony.

Jordan also looped the Clinton’s into the whole thing, accusing the couple of orchestrating the hearing as a hit on the president.

But Jordan’s wild pontificating about morality, crimes, coverups, and truthfulness was undercut by the fact that Jordan currently stands accused of willfully ignoring a sexual abuse scandal while he was a wrestling coach at Ohio State.

Numerous former student-athletes said that Jordan was aware that Dr. Richard Strauss, an Ohio State employee, was sexually abusing athletes. Students at the school have said that Jordan knew what was going on and actively discouraged students from reporting it.

That hypocrisy was not missed by people watching the hearing.



You can live stream Cohen’s hearing here.


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