Donald Trump Red Sox Winning Tweet

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Trump takes credit for Red Sox three-game winning streak

He also claimed sports White House visits had become the ‘opposite’ of the Sports Illustrated cover curse.


Andrew Wyrich


President Donald Trump said on Monday morning that the Boston Red Sox have won their last three games because the team visited the White House last week.

Besides taking credit for the team’s recent winning streak, Trump also said visits to the White House had become the “opposite” of the so-called Sports Illustrated cover curse, a belief that being on the cover of the magazine causes players to underperform.

The Red Sox—who went through an early-season slump since winning the World Series last year—swept the Seattle Mariners in three straight games since visiting the White House last Thursday.

“Has anyone noticed that all the Boston @RedSox have done is WIN since coming to the White House! Others also have done very well. The White House visit is becoming the opposite of being on the cover of Sports Illustrated! By the way, the Boston players were GREAT guys!” the president wrote on Monday morning.

Ahead of the team’s visit to the White House, the Trump administration was mocked for misspelling the team’s name twice on its website and YouTube channel, writing “Red Socks” instead of “Red Sox.”

Later in the day, the White House sent out a transcript of the president’s remarks at the ceremony with a subject line claiming they were the “2018 World Cup Series Champions” instead of “World Series champions.”

At least Trump tagged the team in his Monday tweet, avoiding the possibility of misspelling the name again.


The Daily Dot