Dirty Delete is a weekly column that goes deep into the social media history of politicians that runs on Thursdays in the Daily Dot’s web_crawlr newsletter. If you want to get this column a day before we publish it, subscribe to web_crawlr, where you’ll get the daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.
The chair of the Colorado Republican Party likes superheroes and disenfranchising voters.
Dave Williams, a former state representative who won the chairmanship earlier this year, is such an extremist that members of his own party have come out against him—including former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis.
Williams’ web presence is like a MAGA mad libs. Between posts about Marvel movies and Comic Con, it’s all “crooked” this and “witch hunt” that.
Some politicians pretend to be more extreme to court primary voters. Not Williams. He’s a true believer in the far-right positions he advocates.
In 2012, he tweeted, “Guns don’t kill people, gun control laws kill people.” In 2015 he complained about owing the feds five whole dollars in taxes.
Williams is the kind of freedom lover who wants the Space Force to move its command center out of Colorado because it protects reproductive freedom. He’ll tweet “we don’t want blood on our hands” yet brag about suing to block Colorado’s red flag law.
When Chick-fil-A took heat for its chief executive officer opposing same-sex marriage, Williams responded by posting about eating three meals there in a single day.
Williams was utterly committed to overturning the 2020 election in favor of Trump based on lies about widespread election fraud. Nearly a year after Trump lost the election, Williams was still whining about it online.
He even claimed that 5,600 corpses voted in the 2020 election. Which would be funny if he wasn’t serious.
Williams spent the day of the Capitol riot retweeting whatabout arguments to justify the violence and falsely insisting the election was stolen.
He’s recently dubbed himself Dave “Let’s Go Brandon” Williams. He even wanted to run for office under the name that’s code for saying “f*ck you” to the president. When the Secretary of State refused, Williams unsuccessfully sued to use the moniker on the ballot.
Earlier this month, he supported an effort to close the Republican primary because pesky citizens were daring to cast a ballot.
Williams is on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Dirtiest Delete
Williams doesn’t seem to delete many posts. But some of them age like milk.
In 2018, he taunted one of his detractors by asking if Trump had been charged with a crime. Five years and multiple indictments later, he may want to rethink leaving that ol’ chestnut on the timeline.