Bernie Sanders Trump Tweet Coronavirus Checks Meme

Bernie Sanders brings Trump tweet to the Senate floor, spawning instant meme

The unlikely prop became an instant canvas for all sorts of seasonal messages.


Andrew Wyrich


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) used a tweet from President Donald Trump about raising the coronavirus relief checks from $600 to $2,000 during a speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday, sparking a slew of memes that used Sanders’ prop as a template.

Sanders was trying to force a vote on raising the checks, which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has blocked without the attachment of two provisions he has pushed, likely as a way to doom any vote on increasing the checks.

On Tuesday, McConnell introduced a bill that would link raising the coronavirus relief checks to fully repealing Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and creating a commission to investigative supposed voter fraud. Those attachments make it unlikely to receive Democratic support.

During his speech, Sanders used a prop of Trump’s tweet from earlier in the day where the president said “$2,000 ASAP!”

“Working families deserve help, and they deserve a $2,000 check. As Sen. Schumer just indicated, we have a very unlikely ally in President Trump.” Sanders said in his speech. “Nobody here would disagree with Trump more times than I have. And yet here is what the leader of the Republican party says: He says ‘$2,000 ASAP!’ So even on this issue, amazingly enough, the president of the United States is right.”

Sanders continued: “All that we are asking for is a vote. What is the problem?”

Sanders was joined by Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) in asking for a vote on a House bill that would increase the coronavirus checks, only to be blocked by Republicans.

But Sanders’ use of the blown-up Trump tweet as a prop quickly became a template for a meme, with people using the canvas to insert a number of jokes.

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