If you’re looking to replay your favorite videos over and over again, a new YouTube feature should be right up your alley. The video site has deployed a new option that allows users to automatically loop videos once they finish.
The new feature, which was shared on Twitter by developer Henry Lim, takes only two clicks to enable. Right click on any video and you’ll find a “Loop” option within the ensuing drop-down menu. Unfortunately, this option reverts back to its default unlooped setting from video to video, so if you’re the kind of person who prefers to have all your videos repeat themselves ad infinitum, well, you’ll still have to go to Vine for that.
For individual videos, however, the new tool is definitely useful. Ten-hour versions of popular songs and videos have become common on YouTube, both as jokes and as automatic replay buttons, and some third-party services offered looping YouTube videos before the video site added in its new first-party feature. The new option could signal the death of the ten-hour video, but somehow I feel as if trolls will still find plenty of uses for the ultra-long format.
In the meantime, if you’re looking for a video on which to test YouTube’s new looping feature, I’ve embedded a fitting choice below:
Photo via m01229/Flickr (CC BY 2.0) | Remix by Max Fleishman