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Cirque du Soleil performer Dergin Tokmak lost most of the control of his legs as a child after contracting polio. But that never stopped his passion for dancing.
The latest YouTube video of the German dancer has become popular on Reddit since it was posted on the social news site Tuesday night. In it, Tokmak completes an inspiring and complicated routine–on crutches. (According to a fan site, treatment to help restore the use of his legs was unsuccessful and so he learned to walk on his hands.)
Tokmak was inspired to start dancing at the age of 12 after watching a movie where break-dancing was featured. After gaining recognition in Europe throughout the ‘90s, Tokmak joined Cirque du Soleil to perform the Solo on Crutches in its Varekai production.
A few jokes of questionable taste aside, Redditors were full of praise for Tokmak’s ability.
“He really is amazing,” wrote ExTex.
“Hot damn, I wish I could do that. All of the movements look so smooth and controlled, it must have taken a lot of hard work to get that good,” commented NotSoNoveltyAccount.
“He’s disabled and dances better than most people,” wrote karateblitz.
Though he uses a wheelchair most of the time, Tokmak certainly knows how to get the best use out of those crutches. As the summary for the video exclaims, “[I]t is incredible what you can do if you just open you mind, NO LIMITS WITH CRUTCHES.”