
Here’s how to see YouTube’s ‘dark mode’

Time to turn off the lights.

Photo of Audra Schroeder

Audra Schroeder

YouTube's dark mode

Want a YouTube experience that reflects your worldview? Time to activate dark mode.

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A post on r/google offers step-by-step instructions for accessing YouTube‘s new “dark mode,” which simply turns the background black and is suggested for a more enjoyable nighttime viewing experience.

According to the post, you must have the latest version of Chrome. Then, a couple hoops:


Press Ctrl+Shift+I on the YouTube homepage to open developer window. Go to Application tab, and on the sidebar, go to Cookies>

In the table that opens there should be a row named ‘VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE’, double click the ‘value’ cell and replace it with this code: fPQ4jCL6EiE then press enter

Refresh the page, if the new layout is enabled, go to your avatar, and from the menu there should be a dark mode toggle.

We reached out to YouTube for comment on this feature.

H/T the Verge 

The Daily Dot