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Michael Jordan’s baseball career > Tebow

Tim Tebow can’t catch a break on the field or online.


Jordan Valinsky


By VH1 standards, Tim Tebow is having the worst week ever.

First, fans mocked the Denver Broncos quarterback with Tebowing, a meme where people pose as the football player praying in various places. Then, he suffered a blow out loss to the Detroit Lions, who added insult to injury when a Lions player Tebowed just mere feet from him.

To cap off these tragic events, yesterday commentaters swarmed an ESPN article faster than a left tackle on a field goal kick and created a new meme: Greater Than Tebow.

The game? Compare really bad things that are better than Tebow, such as Charles Barkley’s golf swing and paying taxes in a [activity] > Tebow format. moderators weren’t fans of the game mocking the immortal Tebow and tried deleting many comments, but the Internet hive mind was too powerful to squash.

The meme spawned a spin-off website, where fans submit similar sentences and fans can vote them up or down. A Twitter account was also started, @GreatrThanTebow, and the #occupytebow hashtag also received a few mentions.

Our favorite: “Me > Tebow, submitted by Jesus.” Ouch.

Photo by OPEN Sports


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