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Taylor Swift’s blunt testimony draws praise from the internet

‘Because my ass is located in the back of my body.’


Vanna Vasquez


Pop star Taylor Swift delivered firmly blunt comments during her testimony Thursday morning.

Swift took the stand in Denver to testify about an encounter with a former radio host who she claims grabbed onto her butt during a June 2013 meet-and-greet photo. Swift is being sued by 55-year-old David Mueller who is seeking damages from the star after he claimed her allegations caused him to lose his job at KYGO’s radio station. Swift in return has counter sued for assault—and made it clear that she is not after money. The star is asking for $1.

The “Blank Space” singer is gaining much support from fans online due to the straightforward and dry responses she gave during testimony. Swift, 27, answered questions from Mueller’s attorney, Gabriel McFarland. During questioning McFarland brought up the firing of Mueller, and Swift was not going to let him blame her.

“I’m not going to allow you or your client to make me feel in any way that this is my fault, because it isn’t,” she said. “I am being blamed for the unfortunate events of his life that are a product of his decisions and not mine.”

Screengrab via The Young Turks/YouTube

Swift described her 2013 encounter with Mueller as “shocking” and “horrible.”

“It was a definite grab. A very long grab,” Swift testified. “It was a very shocking thing that has never happened to me before.”

In Mueller’s defense, McFarland brought up an innocent photo of Mueller and then-girlfriend Shannon Melcher at the event in question to show that nothing inappropriate could have happened. The photo didn’t faze Swift.

“You can ask me a million questions… I’m never going to say anything different. I never have said anything different,” Swift responded.
When McFarland asked Swift why the front of her skirt did not appear to be lifted in the photo. Swift was not playing games when she made her jaw-dropping response.
“Because my ass is located in the back of my body,” Swift said.
This was only the third day of the trial, but Swift provided such eye-opening responses that the internet is praising her with an online standing ovation.

Mueller admitted the photo appeared to be “awkward,” but said his fists only touched her ribs.

The Daily Dot