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April Fools! Reddit rolls out a timeline function

By letting the community take part in the fun, Reddit’s April Fools’ joke became one of the most elaborate of the day.


Kevin Morris


Want to read Reddit but don’t have the time? Our daily Reddit Digest highlights the most interesting or important discussions from around the social news site—every morning.

  • When it comes to sheer volume, Reddit couldn’t match Google and its 13 April Fools’ jokes. But by inviting the community to play along, Reddit’s “Timeline” feature became one of the most elaborate jokes online. “in addition to news, we are now able to offer olds, soon-to-bes, and everything in-between,” Reddit admin Max Goodman, a.k.a. chromakode, wrote in the blog post announcing the feature. (/r/blog)

  • Reddit’s journey back in time didn’t impress the site’s historians, who spent the afternoon Sunday picking apart the most annoying historical misconceptions that bubbled up. For example: “I caught Neolithic style posts in the Cretaceous area. I can’t tell if the users really do believe Dinosaurs and Humans coexisted – like some polls have suggested many Americans do – or if they just don’t know chronology.” (/r/AskHistorians)

  • Is Reddit’s unofficial magazine dead? “We’d love to keep doing this,” KILLTHEREDDITOR, the magazine’s editor writes, “but finishing each issue with only the few of us feels like a full time job we can’t keep up with at the moment.” The announcement came on April 1, so take it with a grain of salt. (/r/theredditor)

  • Reddit’s rage comics community has made clashes with the moderators a kind of monthly routine. But can r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu moderate itself? On Sunday, the mods launched a one-month test. The mods will back off from enforcing the rules, and let the community decide what stays and goes with nothing but their votes. “If the quality of the subreddit increases/stays the same, we will adopt this new lax moderation style indefinitely,” moderator squatly writes. “However, if at the end of the experiment, the subreddit has deviated substantially from what its purpose is for, we will re-implement our old rules and moderation style.” (/r/TheoryOfReddit)

  • Here’s an extremely important question as we head into the summer: “If someone were to replace their bed with a hammock, would they be at risk for any health problems?” The answer appears to be mostly “no,” but I cannot imagine your average spine would enjoy an eight-hour hammock nap every night. (/r/askscience)

  • r/SubredditDrama, your home for chronicling Reddit’s most entertaining interpersonal feuds, has announced the winners of its first annual awards (accompanied by some absurdly good illustrations by jhallcomics). The big winner shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s followed the subreddit with even a passing interest over the past few months. The “Shitstorm” award went to r/lgbt for “the drama that just will not end.” (/r/SubredditDrama)

  • Action heroes in the movies can snap necks about as easily as an ordinary person twists off a bottle cap. How hard is it really, though? “Your spine is strong and script writers don’t talk to doctors when writing movies,” cheesesteak22 writes. “You are more likely to give somebody whiplash and piss them off than break their neck.” I would pay to see a movie where the hero runs around and twists all the bad guys necks until they get whiplash. (/r/askscience)

Did I miss something? Let me know in the comments.

Image by Ryk Neethling

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