OK Computer cover superimposed on picture of surrounding roadways

Photo via Hilton Hartford Hotel/Facebook Radiohead Remix by Jason Reed

The highway on the cover of ‘OK Computer’ has apparently been located

After two decades, a mystery solved?


Audra Schroeder


With the 20th anniversary of Radiohead’s OK Computer approaching next month, fans may have solved a decades-old mystery. 

Ahead of the remastered re-release of OK Computer, one redditor posed a theory and enlisted the help of some roadgeeks to figure out where the highway on the cover is located. Jordan117 exited onto the AARoads forum and quickly had an answer: an interchange in Hartford, Connecticut.

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The AARoads user who pinpointed it, Mapmikey, explained that it “took about 10 minutes” to find, in roadgeek terms:

The middle BGS [Big Green Sign] has a two word control city with just a single letter as the first word. The BGS on the right has a two word city but two actual words. I figured that it was east of the Mississippi because of the (IMO) tight footprint of the interchange.


The Hilton Hartford Hotel even got involved, claiming the photo was taken from its 22nd floor. Jordan117 went further, surmising the photo was taken during a tour stop in 1996.


Because of this spotlight on a Hartford highway, older stories about its possible reconstruction have resurfaced too. Some fans in r/radiohead even admitted they’ve driven that highway countless times and never made the connection.

This is way better than the eating photos of Thom Yorke thing. 

H/T AV Club 

The Daily Dot