Piers Morgan drew Twitter fury for his tweet about 'snowflakes' 'manning up'

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Piers Morgan attracts Twitter fury after gloating about going to work with 3 broken ribs

The fury of Twitter was swift.


Andrew Wyrich


Television personality Piers Morgan has made numerous provocative statements on Twitter that have landed him in a deluge of mocking statements.

On Sunday, Morgan made another misguided attempt at humor that set him squarely in the crosshairs of thousands of Twitter users. This time, Morgan bragged about returning to Good Morning Britain with “3 broken ribs,” adding that his followers should tell “snowflakes” among them that this was called “‘manning up.’”

Things went predictably from there. Hundreds of people chastised him and shared their own tales of doing things while injured.




On Monday, Morgan tried to make it seem that his original tweet was a joke—and lashed out against one of his Twitter critics.

Either way, Morgan’s masculinity display is just the latest in a number of Twitter spats he’s been involved in recently.

In June, he shared his opinions about Amber Rose’s third-annual SlutWalk and engaged in a days-long Twitter battle with Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who is known for her mastery of the 140-character smack down.

The Daily Dot