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‘Breaking Bad’ star Dean Norris has something to say about ‘sex GIFs’

The internet thinks this is hilarious.


Kris Seavers

Internet Culture

Sometimes, people don’t know how to work the internet, and we’re all just along for the ride. On Tuesday night, the internet was along for Breaking Bad star Dean Norris’ ride when he tweeted the phrase “Sex gifs” without context or, seemingly, any reason at all.






The tweet quickly gained viral traction, and while it’s unclear whether Norris accidentally typed in “Sex gifs” into a tweet instead of Google, or something else entirely is going on, the internet found it splendidly hilarious.

Even better, the tweet still existed 18 hours later, leaving Norris’ replies wide open for jokes, GIFs (some sexy, some not), and opportune Breaking Bad references.

To be clear, this type of scandalous Twitter behavior is abnormal for the 55-year-old actor, who’s currently playing mob boss Clay “Uncle Daddy” Husser in TNT’s Claws. 

At the time of this posting, Norris has not followed up on what his late-night “Sex gifs” tweet was all about—and we may never know.

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