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Meet the first player to actually finish ‘World of Warcraft’

Now that’s dedication.


Lisa Granshaw

Internet Culture

Wonder what it takes to “finish” World of Warcraft? Look no further than Russian player Хируко, who has become the first to accomplish all 2,057 current achievements and earn all 21,995 achievement points in the massively multiplayer online game.

While other players have “beat” WoW before, he’s the only one to complete the game with all the recently released content such as the Mists of Pandaria expansion.

According to Kotaku, Хируко apparently also received a lot of Realm Firsts and maxed every class first on his server in a way that might upset some players. He achieved this by transferring to low population realms with his guildmates who killed other people in an effort to reach 90 as he played on several accounts at once. This won’t work again though, since Blizzard has announced Realm Firsts will be removed with the next expansion Warlords of Draenor.

Until that next expansion arrives with its new achievements, Хируко doesn’t have much to do in WoW except maybe take a break to smell the virtual flowers. According to the WoWProgress leaderboards though, the closest person to Хируко at the moment has 21,985 achievement points, so while he’s relaxing, other players still have time to catch up. What are you waiting for?

H/T Kotaku | Screenshots via Хирукo/

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