
The curious boy who ate an entire watermelon and captured Australia’s heart

Heroes are made.

Photo of David Britton

David Britton

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A young man in Melbourne, Australia, came to a cricket match hungry. He left a superstar. 

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Ten-year-old Mitchell Schibeci skipped the hotdogs and nachos, and instead went for a treat he says he’s been enjoying since the age of two: An entire watermelon, rind included.

Twitter went nuts for the kid, and #watermelonboy quickly became the No. 1 hashtag in Melbourne, and the No. 2 hashtag in all of Australia.




But finishing off an entire watermelon was more of a challenge than young Schibeci expected.  “It was a lot more hard work than I thought it would be… I just kept on eating and eating it,” he told BBC news.  

“I’m not really a hero, I’m just a normal average kid,” he added.

That’s for us to decided Watermelonboy, and we respectfully disagree.


H/T Stuff | Screengrab via reality news/YouTube

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