Internet Culture

New York winery shut down after sex- and poop-filled rager

Neighbors were NOT happy.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

Vineyard 48 New York

After a wild party last month that reportedly involved fights, public sex, and people pooping on neighbor’s lawns, officials have shut down a New York winery.

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Too much wine, too much sex, and apparently, just too much shit to deal with.

The New York State Liquor Authority, via Fox News, said it’s not the first time Vineyard 48 in Long Island has caused havoc. The winery has been accused of frequently over-serving its guests.

“The disturbing incidents of September 30 are only the most recent in a long line of resident complaints and police encounters at Vineyard 48,” a New York State Liquor Authority news release said.


But the reported incidents from Sept. 30 are pretty outlandish.

According to the New York Post, about 400 people raised hell during a party at the winery, and with long lines for the restroom, some apparently couldn’t wait and urinated and defecated on nearby properties. Plus, one neighbor told police that two people were having sex in the bushes.

“Vineyard 48 has amassed a disturbing record of repeatedly serving patrons far beyond the point of extreme intoxication, straining police resources and wreaking havoc on their neighbors and the surrounding community,” Christopher Riano, counsel to the State Liquor Authority, said in a statement to the Post.

Here’s a sampling of YouTube videos from the winery, showing off a club-like atmosphere that sometimes led to fisticuffs (or just mediocre dancing).


People on Twitter were split on how to feel about the end of the Vineyard 48.





Yelp reviewers also weren’t kind as users detailed multiple fights, terrible-tasting wine, and a tacky atmosphere. Or, as this reviewer explained it:

Vineyard 48 review

And still, the reviewer gave the winery four stars!


So, let this be a lesson to all the wineries. If your patrons do too much partying, pooping, and pounding, you’re probably not going to be around for long. Unless your neighbors are totally cool with it.

H/T Fox News

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