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Life is hard, so here are some videos of celebrities falling down



Peter Bd

Internet Culture

So it’s only Wednesday, and you’re feeling like crap. You’re exhausted, you have tons of work to do, and nothing seems to be going right. When things get like this, you have a tendency to feel disillusioned with life. You want something, anything, to take your attention away from your stressful obligations.

Some people do yoga. Others perform breathing exercises. Some even use transcendental meditation as a way to escape from day-to-day anxieties. But none of these stress-relief measures are as effective as watching famous people fall on their asses.

Exhibit A(riana Grande):

Didn’t that make you feel a little better? Before you watched that video, you were thinking about how horrible things are going today—but now you’re laughing at Ariana Grande’s clumsiness.

But studies show that a celebrity needs to suffer a complete fall to turn our bad moods into good moods. So while this video of  Lil’ Wayne almost falling might give you a good chuckle…

…laughing heartily at the young money rapper falling for real will release more of those endorphins you desperately need in your time of disquietude.

Worried that you have too many bills to pay? Check out this video of Kanye West falling while performing “All of The Lights.”

“Haha, he’s fallen and he can’t get up” you’re saying to yourself right now—and you are correct. 

Here’s another video of a celeb falling to lighten your mood:

Another one:

Another one:

Another one:

Another one:

Another one:

How much better do you feel now that you’ve seen someone as large as Shaq take such an extraordinary spill? Turn that frown upside down, check your half-full glass, and know that your horrible situation is only temporary. You’ll recover from this lousy week almost as quickly as Beyoncé recovers from a fall.

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The Daily Dot