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Shooter McGavin/Twitter

Golf legends Tiger Woods and Shooter McGavin snap selfie together

Tiger Woods has met his match.


Josh Katzowitz

Internet Culture

Golf is a sport made up of traditions that cannot be forsaken and unwritten rules that cannot be spoken aloud.

Just behind not talking during somebody’s backswing, the most famous of these customs holds that when one golfing legend who has metaphorically lost his way on the golf course meets up with a golfing legend whose memories cannot ever be erased from the most glorious of golf movies, they must pose for a photo. Preferably, a selfie.

For instance, these two men.

And fate intervened again recently, when a golfing legend named Tiger Woods ran into a golfing legend named Shooter McGavin.

The resulting (and mandatory) photo:

Shooter McGavin, of course, is not a real man. That’s character actor Christopher McDonald, who was lucky enough to play the villain in Happy Gilmore, one of Adam Sandler’s only good movies, and will forever be recognized on the street as such.

The dude on the left is Tiger Woods, once the best golfer in the word—and one of the best in history—but who now is a less than average player on the PGA Tour. He must have been thrilled to meet Shooter McGavin, who surely had some tips about always eating a nutritious breakfast.

Photo via Shooter McGavin/Twitter

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