While there are several reasons why there have been so few terrorist attacks in the United States since 9/11, a government-wide focus on prevention—including the creation of the Department of Homeland Security—is one of the biggest.
Here’s not the reason, put forth by Jack Pobosiec on Sunday.
Posobiec is a filmmaker formerly with The Rebel, a right-wing Canadian media group, and what he is saying is that because NASCAR fans carry weapons to NASCAR events, terrorists are afraid to strike it. (This ignores the fact that two shooting by extremists in America happened at military facilities.) Really, because there have been only a minor number of terrorist attacks in the U.S. since 9/11, extrapolating sweeping conclusions is utterly useless. Which makes the full force of Posobiec’s statement so utterly laughable.
Like… you could say there’s never been a terrorist attack at an aquarium. Aquariums have sharks. Therefore, terrorists are afraid of sharks. Twitter realized the failed logic right away and jumped all over Posobiec’s specious reasoning.
There has never been a terrorist attack at a One Direction concert. One Direction fans are all carrying lipgloss. Draw your own conclusions. https://t.co/NfjazEiXLG
— Ashley Feinberg (ashleyfeinberg.bsky.social) (@ashleyfeinberg) June 4, 2017
There's never been a terrorist attack at a pet store. Pet stores all have puppies. Draw your own conclusions. https://t.co/zSxW5brzwo
— Cas Mudde ⚠️ (@CasMudde) June 5, 2017
There's never been a terrorist attack on an archaeological field. Archaeologists are all armed with trowels. Draw your own conclusions. 🤠 https://t.co/lFzdu22ye3
— Camille Lesage (@paleoyilithic) June 5, 2017
there has never been a terrorist attack on Rottnest Island. Rottnest is home to the small marsupial quokka. draw your own conclusions. https://t.co/3aeojnJDOk
— Tom Rabe (@Rabe9) June 5, 2017
There has never been a terrorist attack at a Wales Rugby match. Welsh fans are armed with inflatable daffodils. Draw your own conclusions. https://t.co/llzS13NPIS
— Gareth Jones (@Gaz_Fabio) June 4, 2017
There's never been a terrorist attack in my local pub and they all sniff coke in the bogs. Draw your own conclusions. https://t.co/z1LMC68Irh
— Captain Kidd (@kidd_kong78) June 4, 2017
There has never been a terrorist attack on Clanger Planet. The Soup Dragon offers everyone soup. Draw your own conclusions. https://t.co/k3vVjwvcDn
— Walter Dunlop (@waltydunlop) June 5, 2017
Many also pointed out to Posobeic that, like most sporting events, numerous NASCAR facilities ban fans from entering with weapons.
Dover Speedway doesn't allow weapons. So I'm guessing terrorists just don't think you're worth their time. https://t.co/pNpdZoNLvS https://t.co/gAJMxHCmWh
— The Rude Pundit (@rudepundit) June 5, 2017
You are dead wrong, son. Weapons are barred at Nascar races. And gunshows. And NRA hq. Draw your own conclusions. https://t.co/1N89HDVqYA https://t.co/rXWJSoWOlL
— Erik Larson (@exlarson) June 4, 2017
As with most fervent stances staked out by alt-righters that are simultaneously laughed at and dunked on by liberals on Twitter, Posobiec adopted the “I’m not owned” defense.