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Tobias "ToMar" Maier

Store clerk foils dumbest robber ever, then narrates CCTV footage of the robbery

There’s no way we’d be this calm under pressure.


Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

Internet Culture

When a thief came into this woman’s store and held her at gunpoint, she did everything right. She stayed calm, handed over the money, pressed her police panic button, and even managed to stall the robber by asking if he wanted her to double bag his bag of money and cigarettes.

The crime took place last Thursday in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the thief was arrested just a few minutes later. Not content with just bringing him to justice, the store clerk then went over the CCTV footage and gave it a sarcastic play-by-play commentary track, making fun of the thief. It wasn’t meant to see the light of day, but her sister decided it was too funny not to post online.

At the time, this robbery was probably terrifying. But when you hear her making fun of the robber for lingering in the store for so long, it’s pretty hilarious. “Do you want me to double bag that?”

How stupid was this thief? Stupid enough to hang around at the scene of the crime for four minutes, allow someone to take down his license plate number, and then get caught by police in a car wash five minutes later. Incredible. 

Photo via Tobias “ToMar” Maier/Wikimedia (CC BY 3.0)

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