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Salem witch sues warlock for online harassment

Being a warlock doesn’t mean you’re not a troll.


Jaya Saxena

Internet Culture

Christian Day, a warlock and owner of occult shops in Salem, Massachusetts, and New Orleans, is being accused by a fellow Salem occult shop owner, Lori Sforza, of online harassment. And the trial is in Salem! A witch trial! In Salem! Like history!

Back in 2011, the two were in the headlines for working together on a “magical intervention” for actor Charlie Sheen after the actor used the term “warlock” in a disparaging way. But after that, things apparently turned dark. Sforza, who uses the professional name Lori Bruno, says Day has been harassing her online and over the phone, calling her late at night and swearing at her and writing malicious things about her on social media.

Day appears to have courted drama in the witch community before. According to the podcast The Poison Apple, others have called him out for his social media behavior.

When asked for comment, Day, like any classic troll, maintained that anything he did say online was protected by free speech. “If free speech goes away, what happens to the journalists?” he asked a group of journalists, none of whom reminded him that the First Amendment only protects you from government persecution, not harassment lawsuits.

Boston Globe reporter Laura Crimaldi appears to have live-tweeted the trial, which resulted in a one-year harassment order barring Day from contacting Sforza. Day was apparently not too pleased.

It’s unclear if the case will affect Day’s business selling his magical services, but if his press shot proves anything, it’s that he could always find a lucrative career in cape modeling. 

H/T AP | Photo via nosha/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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