real-life fruit ninja : Drone slicing through banana

Screengrab via Giaco Whatever/YouTube

Deadly blade-wielding drone slices apple in real-life Fruit Ninja

This seems just a little bit crazy.


Christina Bonnington

Internet Culture

The mobile game Fruit Ninja is addictively fun. Using your finger as a virtual saber, you hack away at fruits flying through the air. The game’s been around for a long time now, though, and could use a bit of a refresh. What if you played in real life…with drones?

That’s exactly what friends Giaco and Steele decided to do with one of the latter’s racing drones. They strapped a dangerous-looking blade to the bottom of a small drone, which can speed through the air at speeds up to 70 miles per hour. As one commenter helpfully put it, “70 MPH doesn’t sound that fast, so imagine a car driving past you with someone sticking a razor blade out the window.”

Yeah, not only does that sound fast, that also sounds hella dangerous. Luckily, only fruit was maimed in the high-speed experiment. Bananas, cucumbers, apples, and kiwis didn’t stand a chance as the blade barreled into them.

Filmed mostly in 4000 FPS slow-motion, the slicing and dicing is mesmerizing. You get a sense of the drone’s speed if you notice how far it travels before a sliced fruit starts falling towards the earth. At the end of the video, though, they offer a few clips of the action at full speed. Holy wow, I would not have wanted to venture too close to that knife-wielding death machine!

YouTuber Giaco has a handful of other interesting videos on his channel as well, including a NERF dart breaking the sound barrier.

It would have been fun to see the drone handle fruit thrown into the air, too. Given the dangerous and fast nature of this bladed drone, however, it seems wisest that appendages steered clear of its path.

H/T Boing Boing

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