Internet Culture

A brief history of pro wrestlers puking in the ring

They have their reasons.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

Back in the wrestling days of yore—from the beginning of time until about 2008—a common maneuver a grappler could use in order to increase crowd excitement and in-match drama was to blade and get color, or, to put it in layman’s terms, cut himself with a razor and draw his own blood.

This was not ketchup packets or fake vampire blood. This was real, and there’s hardly any doubt that when it happened, the intensity level of the match would exponentially increase (here’s a list of 10 of the bloodiest examples). But the WWE banned blading seven years ago—although it still occurs on occasion, intentionally or otherwise—as the wrestling company made a march toward the land of PG ratings.

So, where does the wrestling world turn if intentional bleeding has become taboo? You vomit, of course.

That’s what the gentleman in the video below accomplishes after he climbs to the top rope during his match. He stands on his perch, tilts his head to the right, spews onto the floor below, deftly regains his balance, and, impressively, immediately jumps into the ring to attempt his move.

Impressive intestinal fortitude by the hurler, and though it’s unusual to see a wrestler puke during a match, it’s not as rare as you might think. And there are explanations why this happens, some that are real and some that are scripted. Thus, here are the six reasons why it’s acceptable to vomit during or after a pro wrestling match.

Because, after all, IT’S STILL REAL to some people.

1) Pretty simple. You’re just totally exhausted from all that running around and kinda-fake hitting people and getting kinda-fake hit.

2) You’re not in the greatest of shape.

3) You ate way too much Thanksgiving turkey (which is silly if you know you have a wrestling match soon after).

4) Some overweight wrestler whose trademark attribute might be his cellulite sticks his ass in your face.

5) Because your boss is a sadist.

6) Not much of an explanation here. When your name is Balls Mahoney, you have license to do pretty much whatever you want in the ring.

Yes, vomit, even in the wrestling ring, is still pretty gross. It’s almost enough to make us pine for the days when blood was the only bodily fluid spilled on the mat.

H/T Bro Bible |Screengrab via JonathanRice82/YouTube

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