Internet Culture

PornHub’s rejected Super Bowl ad is actually safe for work

This 30-second commercial is far tamer than anything you’ll see on 2 Broke Girls. 

Photo of Jordan Valinsky

Jordan Valinsky

PornHub could have gone two ways with its commercial for the Super Bowl.

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There’s option A) a cliched ad featuring a scantily clad female doing something provocative (washing a car! eating a hot dog!). And option B) two, fully clothed elderly people sharing a moment on a park bench, probably thinking about what time JAG is on.

Instead, the 67th most popular website—that you’ve never, ever heard of—went with the latter choice. It was rejected by CBS, because no matter how tame the ad is, the wholesome network still hasn’t gotten over the thought of Janet Jackson’s exposed nipple. The 20-second-ad, seemingly filmed on the budget of a Subway 11-incher, is at least available on YouTube.

The lesson learned here is that what is safe for work (and very safe for life) is not always safe for CBS. Unless it’s being uttered by Kat Dennings on 2 Broke Girls.



Photo via SouthSixth/YouTube

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