
What does a Pikachu-flavored McFlurry taste like? Now we know

Too bad they are only in Japan.

Photo of Nahila Bonfiglio

Nahila Bonfiglio

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Which Pokèmon do you think would taste the best? Last week McDonald’s Japan asked people to guess which Pokèmon-themed McFlurry would be hitting restaurants. 

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Options ranged from a habanero-flavored Charmander McFlurry and broccoli Bulbasaur to less creative but likely tastier options like a chocolate and banana Pikachu treat or a white peach Jigglypuff.

Not-so-shockingly (hah), Pikachu was the winner. While a chocolatey banana McFlurry sounds like a great way to beat the summer heat, these tasty creations will only be released in Japan. The timing aligns with the upcoming one-year anniversary of Pokèmon Go as well as the release of the new Pokèmon movie I Choose You.

We don’t advise licking a Pikachu to see if he tastes like chocolate and bananas, but the color scheme certainly does match the adorable pocket monster.

H/T Kotaku

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