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YouTube’s favorite grandpa has amazing tips for fleeing a nursing home

“I escaped a German POW camp,” says Mr. Forthright. “You think I can’t give the senior center a slip?” 


Cody Permenter

Internet Culture

If you think the Greatest Generation is hopelessly technologically impaired, get to know Mr. Forthright. The stereotype-defying elder is offering up tidbits of advice on his YouTube channel of how-to videos.

Do you want to quit smoking? Maybe get a girlfriend? Or how about winning the lottery? Mr. Forthright knows it all. He has amassed an impressive following—about 5,000 subscribers—on his YouTube channel, which features some not-so-practical advice on just about every life situation. 

His latest video, “How to Escape From a Nursing Home,” gives insight into the more creative ways to survive as a geriatric gent on the lam. 

Suggestions for escape include throwing soiled adult diapers at the nurses, calling Life Alert, and sneaking out when everyone else in the nursing home is asleep—around 8:00pm.

“I escaped a German POW camp,” he says. “You think I can’t give the senior center a slip?” 

Mr. Forthright’s humor is intentionally immature, which is what makes his videos so watchable. He claims to have stopped the Y2K attack, and he lists “naked skydiving” as an interest on his Facebook page. A true Renaissance man, Mr. Forthright has also published several e-books. Our favorites: How to Lose Weight Through Hibernation and How to Get Your Neighbors to Move. 

To suggest a how-to video from Mr. Forthright, you can connect with him on Facebook and Twitter

Screenshot via YouTube/Mr. Forthright 

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