mister bubz with a stick in his mouth


Mr. Bubz is a cute, grumpy dog who just wants to be left alone

This Good Boy being a Bad Boy was caught on camera.


Brittany Vincent

Internet Culture

Ready for another dog meme? You’re probably thinking “Sure! I could always go for a pup-related chuckle or two.”

Except you could never be ready for the greatness this particular clip is made of. You’ve seen plenty of funny dog videos on the internet before, but you haven’t yet become acquainted with Mr. Bubz.

That’s all about to change. Behold, his Majesty, the rambunctious chihuahua mix (that’s what he looks like, anyway) that’s taken the internet by storm: Mr. Bubz. Oh, and his owners are there too.

This very short, but very sweet clip of a man holding his obviously very fed up dog has been blowing up around the internet, and it’s honestly such a big mood.

“I love you, Mr. Bubz,” says the dog’s owner while holding the tubby little puppy. “Do you love me too?” Mr. Bubz is not having any of this. Nope.

“No? Oh no! I think he loves me.” Mr. Bubz continues to struggle, until he apparently comes to some sort of realization: He’s not getting out of this one, and Mom has been recording him this whole time.

“Yeah, I got you. I got you on camera!” Cue frustrated snooting. Mr. Bubz, why won’t you just accept our love?! Why are you so cute if you don’t want to be cuddled? Why do you make the perfect expression at the perfect time in the video?

People have, understandably, been reacting in all the ways you’d expect to Mr. Bubz’ viral debut.



How could you not fall in love with this clip?

The 14-second video has it all: love, rejection, a shocking realization, and an amazing ending that makes the entire thing worth watching. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the face of a dog who’s completely over every single thing currently going on around him.

If you want to follow more of Mr. Bubz’ adventures, you can follow him on Instagram, where his owners like to post other endearing shenanigans. That’s if you can stop watching his clip, of course. It’s only 14 seconds. One more view won’t hurt.

The Daily Dot