Man hit by bus

Screengrab via BBC News/YouTube

Man gets hit by bus, calmly walks into bar

After getting hit by a speeding bus, Simon Smith calmly stood up and walked into the nearest bar.


David Britton

Internet Culture

If you get hit by a bus, at the very least you’re going to want a stiff drink.

It looks like that’s what Simon Smith was thinking on Saturday morning when, while crossing the street, he was hit by a speeding bus.

The bus hit Smith hard enough to crack the windshield, and then proceeded to tear off part of a building but, amazingly, he stands up and walks straight into the nearest pub.

Smith in front of bus
Screengrab via BBC News/YouTube
Smith hit by bus
Screengrab via BBC News/YouTube
Smith after being hit by bus
Screengrab via BBC News/YouTube
Smith walks into bar
Screengrab via BBC News/YouTube

Smith suffered numerous cuts and bruises, but miraculously avoided any major injuries. A second person who was injured by debris was also taken to a local hospital.

The incident took place in Reading, England. Smith was just leaving his bank and crossing the street when was struck from behind by the speeding bus. Somehow, he managed to stand up and walk into The Purple Turtle Bar, where he used to work. Although no one could have blamed him, Smith says he wasn’t heading in for a drink.

“It’s quite funny everybody think I have gone for a pint.” He told The Sun, “I was actually looking for a place of refuge when I went into the doorway of the pub.”

He also says the police didn’t believe him at first, insisting that he was hit by debris, and not the bus itself.

I hadn’t lost consciousness so I knew what had happened, but the police and paramedics didn’t believe me. Originally they were all in agreement because if I had been hit by the bus, I wouldn’t be here. I said “I’m sure the bus hit me” and they kept saying “No you were hit by debris”. An officer then saw the CCTV at the pub and came back and said “I’m really sorry you were right”.

Smith added that he was thankful his wife and 5-year-old daughter weren’t with him at the time.

The accident is currently being investigated by both the bus line and the police but, thus far, no arrest have been made.

The Daily Dot